Designation: Set 06, "Bruce."
Model: AL - 070111
Series: Kanemaki
Type: Autonomous Logistical
Description: Non-humanoid lightweight frame, with quick lift auto-legs. Wide angle ultra high definition optical receivers. On-board Degen physical reflex amplifier. Dual mode amphibious operating protocol. Top loading internal plasma combustion incinerator.
Notes: Bruce hunts, kills, and disposes of a wide variety of vermin. There is unlikely a pest alive who can escape his stunning reflexes, or subsequently his plasma combustion incinerator. Incapable of flight, he still manages to ascend to the necessary heights of his profession on a pair of powerful auto-legs. And although he is not above stooping to snatch insectile nuisances, such as ant or cockroaches, his primary function tends to better serve avian intruders, like geese or pigeons from airfields.
Looks like Michigan J. Frog...waaaa cool!! Buuuurp.