A Simple Design Journal for Autonomous and Hybrid Mechanical Entities.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Kaneshige ASW - 080212

ModelKaneshige ASW - 080212

Designation: Ato. Class Automaton Specific Weapon.

Type: Hyper kinetic automated blade weapon.

Description: Kinetically augmented chain driver. Carbide titanium reinforced individually hinged blades.   

Notes: Wait, what is that? Is that a chainsaw? That's not a robot. It's just a chainsaw. Seriously?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Kunishige AT - 080112

ModelKunishige AT - 080112

DesignationLv. 5 - Autonomous Tactical

Type: Reaper

Description: N/A

Notes: Early sightings of this model date back almost a decade ago. Even so, little is known today of his function or purpose. When the enigmatic Kunishige Firm first claimed the design as one of their own the industry response was largely skeptical. This is not surprising, considering they have since offered no additional substantiation, and given their past involvement with the Azreal sanctions. Thusly the designation and model number have been only arbitrarily accepted, until more details can been attained.