A Simple Design Journal for Autonomous and Hybrid Mechanical Entities.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Designation: Set  02, Vlad 
Model: AT - 022812
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Medium frame bipedal humanoid. Medium wave repulsor skirt capable of limited lift up to a meter and forward motion.  

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Designation: Set  02, Claire 
Model: SAS - 021712
TypeSpecial Autonomous Support
Description: Small frame bipedal humanoid. Twin STOVL (short take off and vertical landing) wing type gravity resistors. Kossuth class liquid state archival matrix and data management system.
Notes: In order to compensate for her small stature, Claire was outfitted with limited flight capabilities. This has absolutely no relevance to her ability to fullfil her designed function, but it was thought it might give her an edge against Heightism in the work place. 

“Prejudice, not being founded on reason, cannot be removed by argument.” - Samuel Johnson

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Designation: Set  02, Lyle  
Model: AT - 022012
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Medium frame bipedal non-humanoid security type. 14 independently articulated layered composite carbon fiber and liquid adaptive polymer armor plates. Twin mandible type manipulator hands with over and under 10mm light assault cannons. Single wide-angle optical sensor mounted on rotating, dual mode head module. 
Notes: Primarily used in security details, Lyle was never intended to fullfil combat roles. Although well-armed, his weapon systems are designed more for suppression than strategic application and lack significant accuracy.  

Monday, February 20, 2012


Designation: Set  02, Vaughn  
Model: AS - 022012
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Quadrupedal energy support unit. Eight fully adaptive gel based power sockets.  

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Designation: Set  02, Ray 
Model: AT - 021912
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Bipedal heavy frame humanoid. Twin integrated Ultra - MK high-intensity forced diagnostic command projectors.
Notes: The Ultra - MK command projector uses a combination of LED disorientation and dissonent microwave transmission to interrupt sensory input and impose falsified diagnostic data. Ray is incapable of operating conventional weaponry, but in the end, the effect is the same.  

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” - Buddha

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Designation: Set  02, Molly 
Model: SABS - 021712
TypeSpecial Autonomous Biological Support
Description: Biomimetic bipedal humanoid female form. Partial amorphous elastomer outer casing. Hardframe auto-mechanical endoskeleton. External remote awareness and direct response actuator. Multiphasic perceived accountability inhibitor. 
Notes: Aesthetic gender specification is often beneficial for units working in proximity to biological personell, if only to provide a sense of anthropomorphic accessibility. It is reasoned that humans are not so much insular as simply insecure with externally initiated objective reasoning. Molly can provide impartial insight without provoking any sort of existential resistance.  

"Xenophobia is a hardwired cognitive disposition that is impervious to empirical modification." - Robin May Schott

Friday, February 17, 2012


Designation: Set  02, Jonas 
Model: AT - 021712
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Bipedal humanoid heavy frame hard power force projection unit. Biomimetic N-1584 Dōraku WMO (weapons management and operation) manipulator system, integrated with a Takezō class tactical brain. Micro layered self replicating complex nano-carbon collective armor plating. Wide spectrum single point optical sensor package.
Notes: What makes a good robotic soldier? Some schools of thought adhere to a strict doctrine of superiority through cutting edge technology, from the latest sensory equipment, to super complex armor and other defensive systems, to dedicated hyper advanced weapons packages. Jonas adheres to a simple philosophy that the immediate application of basic mechanics will always achieve greater effect than any advancement or technique if unnecessarily complicated. This explains his tendency to hit things with a giant sword in combat.   

“Do nothing which is of no use.” - Miyamoto Musashi

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Designation: Set  02, Karl 
Model: AS - 021212
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Bipedal humanoid type. Full range swivel jointed arms, with martensitic-hardened steel bearings. Reinforced carbon Trigger finger mitten EOA (end of arm) type manipulators. Twin wide angle optical sensors. Limited audio out capabilities. Powered by either internal battery or Cugnot energy projector.
Notes: Karl lacks both dexterity and stature. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Designation: Set  02, Brooke
Model: SAT - 021112
Type: Special Autonomous Tactical
Description: Bipedal humanoid, female type. 

Friday, February 10, 2012


Designation: Set  02, Lars
Model: AS - 021012
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Small frame quadruped. Self-sustaining Teslonic internal power supply. Carbon fiber and ultra-light polymer resin encasement. Reversed friction forward propulsion. Rear mounted monofilament coil. Artificially setaceous footpads.
Notes: Lars was originally designed with eight legs, but due to budget cuts he was reduced to four. Despite this, his operational performance does not seem to be adversely affected. With his small size, monofilament coil, and artificially setaceous footpads he is quite capable of descending or ascending into even the most inhospitable work environments.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Designation: Set  05, Amanda
Model: SAT - 020712
Type: Special Autonomous Tactical
Description: Flight capable light frame bipedal weapons platform. Full feature BMA (biomimetic manipulator arms). Polymer carbon nanotube outer casing. Titanium carbide joint systems. Angel type Le Bris vertical lift and sustained flight modules.  
Notes: Designed for speed and maneuverability, Amanda is stable enough in flight to operate as variable position sniping platform. Unfortunately she is a terrible shot.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Designation: Set 02, Otis
Model: AT - 020611
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Medium frame bipedal humanoid. Inter-flex aluminum hybrid armature. Minimal body design. Core mounted Babbitt type electronic brain, optimized for spatial and complex mathematical relationships. 
Notes: Otis primary manages munitions for small arms details. His meticulously detailed operational protocols can seem unnecessarily thorough, but he is generally considered to be one of the best autonomous armorers currently manufactured.  

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Designation: Set 02, David
Model: AT - 020511
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Heavy frame bipedal humanoid. Oversized BMA (biomimetic manipulator arms) reinforced with carbon nanotube filaments. 32 integrated forced induction kinetic amplifiers direct linked to twin artificially perceived aggression modulators. 
Notes: The devastating psychological and emotional effects of indiscriminate and excessive physical violence is often overlooked in favor of more direct methods of engagement. As technology advances the skillful application of pervasive chaos in a battlefield environment has all but become a lost art. David was not built for the precision handling of weaponry. Instead, every mechanical component installed in his massive frame serves only to assist him in delivering a good old fashioned beating.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Designation: Set 01, Dana
Model: AT - 020312
TypeAutonomous Tactical
Description: Medium frame bipedal humanoid. Tandem mounted auto clarifying steel encased telescopic sighting component with multi-variable ballistic drop compensators (BDC). .338 Lapua Magnum (8.58x70mm) integrated accurized hyper-ranged rifled weapon. Single biomimetic manipulator arm. Mixed density polymer body casing. 
Notes: What Dana lacks in aesthetics he makes up for in awkward firing postures. He is undoubtedly a devastatingly accurate shootist, if only from a standing position. Firing prone, or from a hulldown covered postion is practically a physical impossibility. Due to financial impediments brought on by legal entanglement concerning Lon, the Kuniyuki house decided to sacrifice joint flexibility for stability in the weapons platform.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Designation: Set 01, Chet
Model: AT - 020112
TypeAutonomous Tactical
Description: Bipedal humanoid medium frame aquatic type. Pressure sealed logic systems. Extended cruising capabilities up to distances of 12,00 kilometers, non-stop, estimated at 2 knots, with an operating depth of 315 meters. Semi-intelligent 50 kilogram variable balast system. Isolated energy storage, with supplemental chemosynthetic power generation. Forced impulse kinetically amplified joint structures. 
Notes: While technically amphibious, Chet prefers a purely submerged operational parameter.