A Simple Design Journal for Autonomous and Hybrid Mechanical Entities.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Designation: Set 01, Brad
Model: AVF - 013012
TypeAutonomous Variable Form
Description: Self contain sentient autonomous element. Onboard integrated solid state harddrive.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Designation: Set 01, Fritz
Model: ADS - 012612
TypeAutonomous Domestic Support 
Description: Small frame bipedal humanoid, constructed from 98% post consumer materials. Large capacity MacLean type liquid state electronic brain. Twin dorsal mounted wide array multiphasic rectenna panels.
Notes: Low-cost and and unobtrusive, Fritz provides economic power conversion and projection, sufficient to maintain the operations of a typical household's entire device population, or up to 6000 kWh per household per year for 3 residents average per household. He is actually able to regulate the output of energy to each device selectively, based on their individual needs. The only problem is he is completely free to make arbitrary decisions on what constitutes the exact "needs" of those he supplies based solely on whim.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Designation: Set 01, Jacob
Model: AS - 012512
TypeAutonomous Support 
Description: Bipedal humanoid, heavy frame. Cable flex joint structures, with 360° ankle and wrist rotational joints. Reinforced titanium armature. Torso mounted Bashir Mark II electronic brain, with integrated selective intelligence inhibitor. Single midrange ocular sensor. 
Notes: Even though Jacob has been denigrated for having delicate hands, he is a methodical worker, and shows great promise in the field of power transference infrastructure development. He is oddly quiet, and rarely engages his audio communication device.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Designation: Set 01, Fred
Model: AL - 012412
TypeAutonomous Logistical 
Description: Bipedal humanoid, medium frame. Self modifying interfacial organic photovoltaic external encasement. Multi-phasic encrypted cranial shielding. Class three Hymenopteric electronic mind, specialized in management control and conflict resolution.
Notes: If organizing a large group of intellectually autonomous machines, without direct control, seems like an impossible task, Fred seems to have a knack for the impossible. Astonishingly enough, he achieves this through external type audio communications and blunt reasoning. Although his Hymenopteric mind is fully capable of hive-mind functions, his enhanced shielding makes it impossible to force requisition other electronic brains. His one real limitation is his power source, which often fails to provide sufficient energy.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Designation: Set 01, Heidi
Model: AS - 012112
TypeSpecial Hybrid Support
Description: Flight enabled medium frame exoskeletal mechanical symbiote. On-board bio-amplified self contained power supply, with lithium storage backup. Nicolelis type non-invasive user interface. Direct cognitive limb activation and management. Mandible type manipulators, with a 1 to 300 strength amplification ratio.
Notes: Using a self aware mechanical exoskeleton allows the operator to manage the task objectively while the automaton performs the necessary physical operations. With Heidi, the operator is not actually even needed, directly. She can tap into their subconscious, utilizing non-essential neurological function, while they are free to focus on separate tasks entirely.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Designation: Set 01, Rick
Model: AS - 012012
TypeAutonomous Support
Description: Bipedal reverse jointed medium frame automaton. Multi-phasic full spectrum light-field optical sensor. Four prong forced induction end-of-arm manipulator pods. Fan type cranially mounted rectenna energy conversion receiver. 
Notes: Although Rick has shown potential in variable function resource management, his resistance to motivational suggestive programming limits him to menial assignments, such as mandated inventory control or heavy material relocation. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Designation: Set 01, Benjamin
Model: AT - 011912
TypeAutonomous Tactical
Description: Small frame bipedal humanoid. Titanium carbide plating. Reinforced joint structures. Integrated single 150mm direct and indirect projectile delivery system. Primary wide-angle optical sensor. Secondary periscoping optical sensor. Single biomimetic manipulator arm with built-in 9mm sidearm. Johnston Mark II enhanced targeting computer. 
Notes: A simple mechanical design, Jake is a low cost, yet highly intelligent, heavy munitions delivery system. With the periscope he can fire directly from the relatively safe hull-down position, or indirectly, as a mortar. His high performance specialized targeting computer makes even unintelligent rounds devastatingly effective.  

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Designation: Set 01, Benjamin
Model: AAT - 011712
TypeAutonomous Assistant Tactical
Description: Heavy frame, bipedal humanoid. Full titanium carbide armored encasement. Redundant minimum operating systems, with self replicating liquid state logic matrixes. Forced dissonance reasoning inhibitor.  
Notes: Benjamin was not designed for the operation of weaponry, yet his presence in combat is still greatly desired. Originally, his developers intended his behavioral protocols to focus on close personal protection. With his large size and heavy armor along with his redundant operating systems he is capable of taking a rather incredible amount of damage. Interesting enough, these traits are believed to be responsible for his utter failure as a bodyguard, and his subsequent success as a military grade mobile intelligent cover system. He actually enjoys taking fire, to the extent he becomes competitive about the amount of damage taken in combat. For tactical units anxious to engage the enemy, he provides welcome and willing protection while maintaining aggressive movement. Additionally, his assertive movements are known for drawing enemy fire to the extent physical cover is almost unnecessary.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Designation: Set 01, Lucy
Model: SSH - 011112
Type: Special Symbiotic Hybrid
Description: Sentient animechanical armor.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Designation: Set 01, Quentin
Model: AT - 011112
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Bipedal humanoid heavy frame premium shock trooper. Third generation compressed liquid state electronic brain encased in a triple secure shielded core. Redundant layered self-replicating carbon-tube nano-mechanical armor. Four additional independently mounted reactive armor plates. Burst flight enabled, via rear mounted twin Suitor MCM-65 lift modules, capable of up to forty seconds of lift. Reinforced EM amplified kinetic joint structures. Armored end of arm tooling, dedicated to weapons operations.
Notes: For the select few for whom price is no obstacle, Quentin is by far the obvious choice in autonomous tactical robotics. The very definition of top of the line, he is equally as effective as he is extravagant. Despite his heavy frame, his reinforced EM amplified kinetic joint structures make him unbelievably quick on his feet. His processing speed is unparalleled for a unit of his type. There is however limited data regarding actual combat performance, as those who can actually afford him seem reluctant to risk engaging him in live operations.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Designation: Set 01, Davis
Model: AT - 041811
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Bipedal humanoid, light frame, economy model. Single lens optical array. Biomimetic end of arm tooling.
Notes: Despite a short battery life, lack of armor, and a relatively slow operating speed, Davis is popular with paramilitary police groups. Fairly inexpensive to produce, Nagatsuna currently offers bulk discounts, and packaged munition deals. These kind of marketing strategies have proven attractive to those with conservative budgets, and have done much to quell reports of recurring mechanical problems.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Designation: Set  01, Isaac
Model: AS - 010512
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Flight enabled, light frame. Carbon nano-mesh outer skin. Four independently mounted static repulser lift modules. 1.5 meter barrier disruption lance. 
Notes: Isaac was designed to be small enough to fly virtually undetected past conventional radar detection systems.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Designation: Set  01, Emile
Model: AS - 010712
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Light frame, non-humanoid quadruped. Single shuttered pulse-sensitive optical sensor. 
Notes: Emile can track the movements of type 3 and 4 cloaked and fully shielded machines up to four days prior to physical their presence by both heat signature and deductive terrain comparisons.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Designation: Set  01, Jackson
Model: AS - 010512
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Non-humanoid quadruped. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Designation: Set  01, Eli
Model: AMF - 010412
Type: Autonomous Multiple Function
Description: Bipedal humanoid, light frame. Internal analog force modulator.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Designation: Set  01, Manning
Model: AS - 010312
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Bipedal humanoid munitions management specialist. Reinforced internal frame, with integrated amplified kinetic resistance joint structures.  
Notes: Although comically proportioned, Manning is a reliable and efficient D-level ordnancemen. He is well suited for the responsibility and maintenance of small arms and large munitions.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Designation: Set  01, Lloyd
Model: AS - 010212
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Bipedal solid-state refueling specialist, capable of acting as a Type - CM21 adaptive relay nozzle. Full function manipulator end of arm tooling. Non-visual remote coordinated satellitic positioning system. 
Notes: Lloyd is a foundational element to any motorpool or airbase requiring optimum working efficiency with little overhead cost. Able to refuel virtually any vehicle, he is also quite adept at light maintenance duties and other ground support related tasks. He is also completely fireproof. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Designation: Set  01, Riley
Model: AL - 010112
Type: Autonomous Logistical
Description: Bipedal groundskeeping unit. Twin end of arm 35 HP mechanical saw modules. Single full range wide angle adaptive optical receptor. Extended capacity onboard power supply.
Notes: Riley is a groundskeeping unit. Both his physical design and intrinsic programming are very specific to that type of operational parameter. Employing him in combative roles can cause potential mental divergence.