A Simple Design Journal for Autonomous and Hybrid Mechanical Entities.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Gary."
Model: AT - 063011
Series: Yasutsugu
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Heavy frame melee assault unit.
Notes: More for show than actual combat, Gary's hands are far too big for conventional weaponry. Typically he is used as an honor guard for foreign dignitaries.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Cassandra."
Model: SSH - 062911
Series: Korekazu
Type: Special Symbiotic Hybrid
Description: Sentient anthropomorphic "Smart" blade. Specially condensed class 3 electronic brain. Positive alignment IPP symbiosis field.    
Notes: Cassandra was designed specifically to work with either a biological or automaton host. She can unobtrusively synchronize her logic matrix with the electrical field of man or machine through contact with her twin sensor points located in her handle. Possessing a rather high degree of intelligence, she can the interpret her host's combat potential and then effectively amplify it through electronic impulse guidance. This is of course impossible with EMP shielded units.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Marcus."
Model: AS - 062811
Series: Kanewaka
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Heavy frame omni-terrestrial mining unit. Extended range condensed cold fusion pack. Dual industrial kinetic rams.
Notes: Finding adequate funds to finance combat zones on three planetary theaters has always been a challenge. Having units such as Marcus, who can independently facilitate resource gathering operations in remote locations, has provided welcome relief in this constant struggle.

Monday, June 27, 2011



Designation: Set  05, "Abigail."
Model: AT - 062711
Series: Yukihiro
Type: Special Autonomous Tactical

Sunday, June 26, 2011



Designation: Set  05, "Kurt."
Model: AT - 062611
Series: Masahiro
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Shadow-ops bipedal chassis. Dual mode end of arm tooling, with swing back full biomimetic phalanges and secondary devoted melee weapons mount. Integrated forearm plasma burst piston.
Notes: With a single burst from his forearm piston Kurt can transfer enough force into his secondary devoted melee weapons mount to put a carbon titanium blade cleanly through a foot thick mesh of nano-tube armor.


Saturday, June 25, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Lou."
Model: AT - 062511
Series: Muneshige
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: High speed attack chassis. Chain driven 20mm tri-barrel cannon. Detachable 2k round ammunition storage container.
Notes: Apparently as a result of his advanced mechanical response amplifier Lou has a tendency to shoot himself in the foot from time to time.

Friday, June 24, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Gavin."
Model: ADS - 062411
Series: Hiroyuki
Type: Autonomous Domestic Support
Description: Flight enabled, non-humanoid type.
Notes: Originally designed for military use, it was soon obvious that Gavin was not cut out for a life of killing and destruction. So, refitted with domestic management hardware, he now finds gainful employment as a floating robotic butler.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Owen."
Model: AT - 062311
Series: Shigekane
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Autonomous artillery unit. Swivel mounted 155mm howitzer with automatic feed and supporting seven round drum. Limited use manipulator arms, capable of a variety of small arms use.
Notes: Although he rarely sees his enemies face to face, Owen is both capable and willing to pick up a weapon and dive into the fray. Being rather top-heavy tends to make him a somewhat awkward combatant.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Norman."
Model: AT - 062211
Series: Tameyasu
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Mechanized heavy weapons platform. Twin variable hard points. Hard wired for optional directional EMP wand.
Notes: As with most designs of his type, Norman lacks any sort of defining personality. He is the essence of pure military pragmatism in both form and behavior. Dedicated exclusively to the armaments with which he is bestowed, he devotes little computational energy to his own individuality. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "James."
Model: AT - 062011
Series: Masakiyo
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Bipedal humanoid. Aesthetically intimidating bulk size heavily armored frame. Berserker class hyper aggression behavior amplifier.
Notes: In combat James tends to rush headlong into frenzied attack behaviors. Due to his size and ferocity, this tends to have devastating effects on both the enemy's morale and personal well being.

Monday, June 20, 2011



Designation: Set  05, "Natalie."
Model: SAUT - 062011
Series: Yasutomo
Type: Special Autonomous Urban Tactical
Description: Bipedal humanoid frame.Nanutube armor. Pleasing biomimetic features.
Notes: For automatons working in close proximity to humans, especially in communicative roles between man and machine, familiar aesthetics improve work efficiency by up to 30%. Often however adding elements such as hair and other such quintessential human features runs the risk of alienating the unit from other robots.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Dan."
Model: ACS - 061911
Series: Masatsune
Type: Autonomous Civil Service
Description: Bipedal humanoid frame. Streamlined optical and sensory module. Limited variable manipulator phalanges, with individual high tensile actuators. Sturdy recycled plastic polymer outer shell.
Notes: Although oddly proportioned physically, Dan stands tall in his role as a non-lethal civil custodian.

Infect (share):

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Jacqueline."
Model: SAT - 061811
Series: Kunikane
Type: Special Autonomous Tactical
Description: Bipedal humanoid. Light assault chassis, specially calibrated for special tactical heavy armament. Dedicated short barrel large bore, 40mm S-67 Hoplophile anti-material cannon. Single high definition optical sensor, with automatic shutter style armored visor.  
Notes: One argument in favor of dedicated armament is that it inhibits the enemies ability to utilize weaponry obtained from casualties. Also, with the right kind of weapon equipped, there is little need for variation. There are very few things in need of holes bigger than can be made with a 40mm S-67 Hoplophile anti-material cannon.

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Friday, June 17, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Otto."
Model: ACS - 061711
Series: Masatoshi
Type: Autonomous Recreational
Description: Bipedal humanoid. AC-3 personality suppression matrix. Low maintenance electromagnetic sliding joint panel frame. End of arm panel scanners.      
Notes: Otto is a reliable, albeit boring, city employee. He can be outfitted with a variety of end of arm tools essential for municipal management. However, his talents seem best utilized in the role of power usage awareness technician. 


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Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Russell."
Model: ARec - 061511
Series: Masatoshi
Type: Autonomous Recreational
Description: Bipedal humanoid. Welterweight Pygmachia class pugilist chassis. Adaptive solid state electronic brain, suspended in kinetically neutral hydrostatic nano-fluid, complete with extensively indexed hand to hand combat data store.   
Notes: With the rise of Civil Rights for Electronic Entities came the inevitable demise of gladiatorial automatons, as well as  all combat related sports involving robots for entertainment. Even so, units such as Russell have recently begun to emerge, largely under the guise of "training," or "sparring," assistants. It is likely however, due to their rugged construction and unnecessarily devastating fighting capabilities, that they are secretly being used in underground and illegal robotic boxing matches.


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Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Lawrence."
Model: AT- 061411
Series: Nagayuki
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Bipedal humanoid. Dorsal mounted Marx class explosively pumped flux compression generator (EPFCG) calibrated for wide range high yield non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NNEMP)attacks.
Notes: According to recent surveys, autonomous mechanical entities outnumber humans by an estimated 1 to 25 ratio. This may not include remote extra terrestrial autonomous mining operations, who routinely manufacture adaptive individuals independent of outside sanction. With an ever increasing number of unregulated non-human design firms, there are those in certain biological circles that feel the need for automaton specific weaponry to deal with the eventuality of mechanical uprisings. Critics suggest that the existence of units like Lawrence are tantamount to racism and open the door to possible robot targeted "genocide."     

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Sunday, June 12, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Audrey."
Model: SAT- 061211
Series: Shosai
Type: Special Autonomous Tactical
Description: Bipedal humanoid. Carbide titanium locking joint structure. Dual leg mounted reverse thrust anchor engines. Dedicated macrofusion low velocity energy launcher.
Notes: Dedicated armament has its limitations, especially those in place of an arm. Units with limited variable combat application often feel forced to compensate with an exaggerated specialization. Audry's primary function is to obliterate large scale structural elements, specifically to deny an enemy strategic locations from which to stage operations. The scope of her ability to destroy things is great enough to warrant only a conservative use of her talents, making her a rarity on the battlefield. Actually, she is so specific a tool that more often than not it is better to make do without her than it is to foresee the need for her and conduct operations with her on hand.  

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Saturday, June 11, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Dillon."
Model: ACS - 061111
Series: Kunimichi
Type: Autonomous Civil Service
Description: Portable autonomous crime-scene forensic interpreter. Retractable tri-stand base. Wide angle multi-phasic optical sensor. 
Notes: There is some doubt as to the exact differentiations between intelligence and personality. What is without doubt is the obvious fact that Dillon's intelligence is inversely proportional to his personality. 

Infect (share):

Friday, June 10, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Eustace."
Model: ACS - 061011
Series: Kunitomo
Type: Autonomous Civil Service
Description: Public transit security unit. Modified sprint type chassis. Modulating particle based chemosensor array.
Notes: Equipped with a substantially powerful biomimetic olfactory system, Eustace is quite adept at smelling out potential criminal infraction, either by the scent of their contraband narcotics, or trace amounts of explosive residue.

Infect (share):

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Thaddeus."
Model: AS - 060911
Series: Kunisuke
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Mobile solid state refueling system. High-speed bipedal bird-type frame. Series 7 helium-3 (He-3) multi-pod storage module. 
Notes: Primarily used in extra terrestrial mining operations, Thaddeus runs fuel between primary storage depots and mining automatons. 

Infect (share):

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Vernon."
Model: AR - 060811
Series: Terukane
Type: Autonomous Reconnaissance
Description: Small frame insectile design. Dual vent positive lift engine. Quadruped landing skids, with elemental cling padding. Single nose mounted defensive compressed air cannon.  
Notes: Interestingly enough, Vernon uses the same principle of hyper compressed air in flight as he does in defense. He is well capable of directing a precise blast of air up to speeds of Mach 3. Even if this does little damage to his assailant, the back pressure is usually enough to send him flying away out of harms reach.

Infect (share):

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Elise"
Model: SAS - 060711
Series: Yoshihira
Type: Special Autonomous Support

Infect (share):

Monday, June 6, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Neil."
Model: AR - 060611
Series: Okisato
Type: Autonomous Reconnaissance
Description: Dual mode 105mm armor piercing artillery deployed intelligence gathering automaton. 
Notes: Oddly enough Neil has developed a slight obsession with light fixtures, to the extent that almost one in every four images gathered specifically features them. Regardless of this particular idiosyncrasy, Neil's capability of being shot into armored fortifications to gather intelligence is valuable asset.  

Infect (share):

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Alvin."
Model: AD - 060511
Series: Tadatsuna
Type: Autonomous Developmental 
Description: Full frame bipedal male type blank. Primed for latex, silicone, and organic cellular coating. Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene musculature.
Notes: In many sentient electronic circles, obvious bio-mimicry for purely cosmetic reasons is considered a social taboo. The exception of course is camouflage for the purpose of infiltration with the intent of extermination. Alvin unfortunately does not do that.

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Saturday, June 4, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Dirk."
Model: AT - 060411
Series: Shigeyoshi
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Vertical lift, sustained flight capable, liquid polymer application unit.
Notes: Dirk is a special use painting robot. Unfortunately, he is prone to sporadic project delays and rampant alcoholism. 

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Thursday, June 2, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Sheldon."
Model: AT - 060211
Series: Kotetsu
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Giant frame bipedal tactical buffer. Tri-layer positive resistance composite heavy armor. 12 meter standing height. Powered by three indispensable fusion generators.
Notes: Giant robots have been the dream of autonomous designers for generations. Until recently however large scale tactical models have been considered impractical. Now emerging new strategic philosophies have opened the doors for over-sized combat units. Previous thinking saw giant robots negatively as obvious targets, even labeling them as bullet magnets. Current battlefield data reveals that exploiting this factor, that is, employing a giant robot to draw enemy fire, actually increases combat effectiveness of accompanying smaller size units by over 45%.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Merriam."
Model: SSH - 060111
Series: Kunihiro
Type: Special Symbiotic Hybrid
Description: Autonomous personality driven augmented symbiotic armor. Integrated HALO (High Altitude Low Opening) parachute. Female consort specific design. Light, RADAR absorbent nano-fiber armor.
Notes: With ever evolving technology, it is easy to neglect the more conventional approaches to combat. In one sense it may seem more effective to allow units to fly into the operational theater under their own power, however, aside from the economic ramifications, there is much to be said for letting armed soldiers drift quietly, undetected into the battlefield.