A Simple Design Journal for Autonomous and Hybrid Mechanical Entities.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Designation: Whiskey - Set  04, "Joey."
Model: AT - 043011
Series: Kageyoshi
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Single wheel, self-balancing intelligent small arms platform. Right mounted limited articulation interchangeable weapon grip. Low profile frame, less than a meter in height. Capable of speeds up to 60 kilometers per hour.
Notes: High speed and small, Joey makes a difficult target even for the most advanced weapon direction systems. On the downside, he seems to be always underfoot, and is often stepped on by friendly forces.

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Friday, April 29, 2011


Designation: Victor - Set  04, "Simon."
Model: HS - 042911
Series: Tsuguhiro
Type: Hybrid Support
Description: Dichotomous personality driven thought amplification device. External liquid nitrogen fueled cooling system.
Notes: Simon uses high frequency alpha waves to increase brain activity in his host. In most cases he can amplify the human brain's capacity for rational thought up to %120. Previously, this was only possible through dangerous chemical alteration. With only a %0.7 chance of causing a serious aneurysm, Simon remains the safer alternative to augmented hyper-intelligence. The external cooling package also does wonders to prevent the inevitable case hyperthermia while in full function.

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Thursday, April 28, 2011


Designation: Uniform - Set  04, "Werner."
Model:  AS - 042811
Series: Tadatsugu
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Low profile quadruped frame. Single optical sensor. Single full range manipulator arm with integrated container control tool. 
Notes: Werner has the distinct privilege of being the most expensive and high-tech cup-holder in existence.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Designation: Tango - Set  04, "Carlos."
Model:  AT - 042711
Series: Hiroshige
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Sniper unit. Multiple optical sensor array. Zero point weapon stabilization frame. Integrated Hatchcock target requisitioning computer. 
Notes: With no significant camouflaging capabilities, Carlos's success depends on his ability to calculate shots from almost unbelievable distances. He is of course a military asset, and is used only in open combat environments, rather than in black ops.   

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Designation: Sierra - Set  04, "Sigmund."
Model: AD - 042611
Series: Kiyosada
Type: Autonomous Demolition
Description: Special atomic demolitions munition delivery unit. Fitted with a 10 kiloton nuclear warhead. Bipedal mobility, capable of speeds up to 30 kilometers per hour.
Notes: For the rare occasion a warhead needs to be walked into position rather than dropped or shot. For some unknown reason he also has been programmed with the ability to whistle.

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Monday, April 25, 2011


Designation: Romeo - Set  04, "Blythe."
Model: SAS - 042511
Series: Nagatoshi
Type: Special Autonomous Support
Description: Mounted autonomous marionette operator. External over-sized liquid state electronic brain encased in the base frame. Full range operating arm. Interchangeable end of arm mechanical figureheads. 
Notes: In many ways Blythe's role in autonomous intelligence management is virtually identical to Eliza's. The major difference, aside from the fact that she is both stationary and floor mounted, is larger, faster brain, which is capable of handling significantly larger workloads. 

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Sunday, April 24, 2011


Designation: Quebec - Set  04, "Goodwin."
Model: ACS - 042411
Series: Kaneyoshi
Type: Autonomous Civil Service
Description: Multipurpose laborer. "Point-and-Shoot" response type intellect. Eight integrated storage compartments. Weapon ready end of arm manipulators.   
Notes: Goodwin capably fulfills multiple non-tactical roles critical to the stability of any modern urban infrastructure. From basic penal enforcement to biological medical assistance, he is as efficient a policeman as he is a emergency medic. His only limitation is his point-and-shoot type programming, which augments his ability to respond to immediate situations, but sharply effects his aptitude to modify his behavior based on foreseeable upcoming events.    

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Saturday, April 23, 2011


Designation: Papa - Set  04, "Skip."
Model: ADC - 042311
Series: Kaneshige
Type: Autonomous Domestic Companion
Description: Sturdy, low center frame. Accelerated pragmatism drive. Au pair qualified. Capable of light domestic duties 
Notes: Skip is essentially a stripped down version of Hampton, without the wheeled mobility feature. While he lacks a certain desirability amongst a younger demographic, his no-nonsense practicality and low cost makes him a winner to those who control the credit accounts.

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Friday, April 22, 2011


Designation: Oscar - Set  04, "Andy."
Model: ADS - 042211
Series: Kiyosada
Type: Autonomous Domestic Support
Description: Bipedal janitorial unit.
Notes: Andy's low production cost make him an attractive selection for large scale and industrial operations. This is fortunate, because there is little else attractive about him.

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Thursday, April 21, 2011


Designation: November - Set  04, "Wilbur."
Model: AS - 042111
Series: Sadayuki
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Hexapod mobile hive-mind. 300 meter optimal range, capable of channeling and coordinating 72 individual electronic entities.
Notes: In spite of appearing like an enlarged dust mite, Wilbur has become the criterial mobile hive mind for combat operations. Hive-minds notoriously function within a state of self-induced dissociative identity disorder. This can cause problems if the unit is channeling a single personality more dominate than the others. Wilbur avoids such deterring influences by maintaining a parasitic presence within each mind he coordinates, ready to subliminally direct their consciousness.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Designation: Mike - Set  04, "Ralph."
Model: AT - 042011
Series: Tomoyuki
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Heavy bipedal armor type universal combat unit. Titanium alloy plating. Three mode optical array. Fully shielded Temüjin class strategy computer mounted inside torso cavity.
Notes: In the world of over-sized heavy assault autonomous shock troopers, Ralph stands a head taller than the rest. This of course makes him an easier target.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Designation: Lima - Set  04, "Forest."
Model: AS - 041911
Series: Masayuki
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Quadruped fire suppression unit. Four point pneumatic driven piston stabilization system. High pressure multi-barrel tri-phase retardant delivery system.
Notes: Often mistaken for a tactical unit, Forest is actually more of a pacifist. In his electronic mind, his role as a firefighter is somewhat of a symbolic gesture.

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Monday, April 18, 2011


Designation: Kilo - Set  04, "Kate."
Model: SAT - 041811
Series: Kanenori
Type: Special Autonomous Tactical
Description: Artificial pyrokinetic type matter exciting gauntlets. Mobile eight point low center solid base.
Notes: Until recently, fire-based weaponry has been reliant on either chemicals, light amplification, or microwave energy to achieve an effective burns. Kate utilizes disruptive matter displacement technology to selectively excite matter into combustion. The benefit of this is a wider range of tactical capabilities, from pinpoint internal combustion from behind cover, to igniting the oxygen in the air for a unprejudiced approach to large scale devastation.    

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Sunday, April 17, 2011


Designation: Juliet - Set  04, "Douglas."
Model: AS - 041711
Series: Kanekatsu
Type:  Autonomous Support

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Saturday, April 16, 2011


Designation: India - Set  04, "Peter."
Model: AS - 041611
Series: Kanemichi
Type:  Autonomous Support
Description: Ocypodidae class heavy labor frame. Optional left or right mount for primary force exertion manipulator arm or energy efficient assistant arm.
Notes: Peter is quite handy to have around for virtually any project involving metal work. Also, he makes a decent vehicle jack.

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Friday, April 15, 2011


Designation: Hotel - Set  04, "Archibald."
Model: AT - 041511
Series: Munetsugu
Type:  Autonomous Tactical
Description: Lowest possible production cost, constructed of 78% post-consumer material. Minimal frame design and locomotion. Single manipulator arm, with opposing two position locking digits. Single, full-range small-arms mount, capable of operating pistols and other hand held weapons, with a trigger pull not exceeding 25 newtons (Armament not included. Pictured here with budget cost Chekov 9mm semiautomatic pistol). Single low-profile optical port. Single broad spectrum microwave energy receiver with built in data transceiver. Requires a Formicidae class hive-mind for tactical operations.
Notes: For a cost equivalent to a single Herold, Archibald comes in a set of between 12 and 23 units. Not deterred by his utter lack of expensive armor or weapons, he bravely plunges into battle, one unit at a time. Typically, the first few are immediate casualties, but their loss is not without gain. When connected to a hive-mind, Archibald has the ability to learn exponentially through a shared consciousness. While these tactics are not sustainable in extended combat, they have proven highly effective in trouble spots and stalemates, if only from an economic standpoint.

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Thursday, April 14, 2011


Designation: Golf - Set  04, "Eliza."
Model: SAS - 041411
Series: Nobushige
Type: Special Autonomous Support
Description: Massive data stream management system. Nano-cling, ceiling mounted mobile base structure. Functional figurehead construct, with bio-organic encasement.
Notes: Eliza is a integral part of managing the flow of consciousness between self identifying mechanical entities and superimposed hive-mind work protocols. She is especially needed with units incorporating biomimetic free thought and will. In particular, her adeptness in inserting specific command chains without triggering logic defenses, which allows her subjects the illusion of self generating commands, has made her popular with large scale corporate labor contractors. Her choice in figure heads doesn't seem to hurt either.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Designation: Foxtrot - Set  04, "Henrik."
Model: AS - 041311
Series: Ujinobu
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Mobile power production unit. Integrated multi-phase carbon based organics to energy conversion matrix. Seven stage initial processing system.
Notes: Henrik was designed primarily as a solution to power deficits in environments with a ready supply of organic matter. He can chew through and convert virtually any soft carbon based matter into stored energy with ease. His current shroud of controversy is largely due to his use in battlefield cleanup details. This has earned him the nickname "Corpse-Chewer."

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Designation: Echo - Set  04, "Chester."
Model: AD - 041211
Series: Nobunaga
Type: Autonomous Demolition
Description: Bipedal Felis type biomimetic frame. Qualified to maintain and operate quantum matter displacement devices. Automated destructive impulse amplifier. Artificial vestibular apparatus with integrated self-righting reflex technology.
Notes: Chester's cat like reflexes give him an edge in selective high risk demolition environments. That is, when he wants them to. He is prone to extended standby shutdown periods.
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Monday, April 11, 2011


Designation: Delta - Set  04, "Murray."
Model: ADS - 041111
Series: Kanetsune
Type: Autonomous Domestic Support
Description: Bipedal, low cost frame, constructed from %65 recycled materials.
Notes: Murray is an attempt to fabricate an economic, low impact autonomous household assistant. Unfortunately, his mood suppression programming tends to leave him rather mopey.

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Sunday, April 10, 2011


Designation: Charlie - Set  04, "Sam."
Model: AS - 041011
Series: Terushige
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Hexapod insectile type. Two primary legs with computer controlled weight dispersion, optimized for mobility over unstable terrain and soft earth. Four manipulator arms, with extending forearms and ergonomic hand structure.
Notes: As far as robotic gardeners go, Sam has quite the green thumb. It helps that he can replace his thumbs, or any of his digits with a wide variety of tools, ranging from pruning shears to insecticide dispersion equipment. 

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Saturday, April 9, 2011


Designation: Bravo - Set  04, "Liam."
Model: AT - 040911
Series: Daido
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Free flow joint matrix optimized for quick draw applications. Bullet-time object awareness with a core logic driven multiple point evasive command feature.
Notes: Designed for speed, Liam is forced to sacrifice firepower and armor. Even so, his ability to integrate his evasive features into his target optimization makes him an ideal asset in security details.   

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Friday, April 8, 2011


Designation: Alpha - Set  04, "Patrick."
Model: ACS - 040811
Series: Iyetsugu
Type: Autonomous Civil Servant
Description: Special tactics riot control unit. Arm mounted shutter type carbide titanium heavy shield, with integrated optical relay. Small arms certified.
Notes: Patrick's utilization of his arm mounted dynamic shield has application in both crowd control and forced entry maneuvers. He does seem a bit resentful when other units use him as mobile cover while he is performing operations.

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Thursday, April 7, 2011


Designation: Prototype - 03, "Glen."
Model: HP - 040811
Series: Kaboku
Type: Hybrid Prototype
Description: .50 cal fully automated smart gun, with independent targeting correction. Biolink sensory overlay, with internal HUD (Heads Up Display) and risk awareness amplification. Designed to fully integrate into most combat exo-frames.   
Notes:  What Kaboku intended was to create a weapon capable of thinking through the chaos of combat, selecting targets, and then guiding the firing patterns of its operator with deadly accuracy. What they ended up with is a an unusually psychopathic autonomous entity that seems to be driven by an unquenchable thirst for blood. This of course causes tension between Glen and his operator, especially on the occasion that Glen manipulates the risk awareness HUD in order to encourage his operator to break cover and return to combat.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Designation: Zulu - Set  03, "Howard."
Model: AD - 040711
Series: Yasushige
Type: Autonomous Developmental
Description: Experimental temporal wave transcriber.  
Notes: It is assumed that while autonomous entities tend not to adhere to organized religion, if such a construct were required, Howard would doubtless serve a worthy physical manifestation or corporeal form befitting a robotic deity. As he stands, even though an obvious developmental model, he has managed to accrue a significant following of human worshipers.

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Designation: Yankee - Set  03, "Arnold."
Model: AD - 040511
Series: Hidetoki
Type: Autonomous Developmental
Description: Bipedal, armless. Flight enabled, quad opposing wave wing modules.  
Notes: The concept of "Artificial Intelligence" is now widely recognized as an early design fallacy, likely a manifestation of mankind's existential morality. Robotic development was based on a value comparative to human likeness, and if man dreamed of becoming God, it seemed he expected his creation to dream of becoming him. The current accepted trend is to pursue complete autonomy though organic self awareness. Robots should be perceived as individual mechanical entities, and not have personifications forced on them.

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Monday, April 4, 2011


Designation: Xray - Set  03, "Winston."
Model: AT - 040411
Series: Hirotsugu
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Pending.
Notes: N/A

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Sunday, April 3, 2011


Designation: Whiskey - Set  03, "Sven."
Model: AS - 040311
Series: Fuyuhiro
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Retractable bipedal mobility system. Integrated multi-compartment tool storage.
Notes: Besides looking like he's bundled up for cold weather, Sven is quite the capable mobile tool storage device. He can walk up to a project, settle down into a stable base, and then hand you tools.

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Saturday, April 2, 2011


Designation: Victor - Set  03, "Harry."
Model: AS - 040211
Series: Kiyotsuna
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Budget maintenance model. Economic minimalistic frame design. Multi-tool forearm systems. Integrated optical sensory input and diagnostic display.
Notes: At best, Harry is the equivalent of a household multi-tool typically found in an odds and ends storage facility.  In a very similar manner, he somehow always seems to be in the way, yet mysteriously absent when needed.

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Friday, April 1, 2011


Designation: Uniform - Set  03, "Patricia."
Model: SAT - 040111
Series: Kuniyoshi
Type: Special Autonomous Tactical
Description: Artificial psychokinesis force driver, with telekinetic and pyrokinetic capabilities. High-yield energy induction panel system.
Notes: Brain actuated "super-powers" have long been a dream of human evolution. It is only fitting therefore that this should at long last be fulfilled by the true successor of mankind's development, robotics.   

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