A Simple Design Journal for Autonomous and Hybrid Mechanical Entities.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Designation: Tango - Set  03, "Price."
Model: AR - 033111
Series: Tadamasa
Type: Autonomous Reconnaissance
Description: Flight enabled bird emulator. Small frame, ultra-lightweight composite chassis. Powered by three externally mounted rectenna (rectifying antenna) panels, requiring a C-Brown series phased array microwave transmitter. One pectoral mountedf tri-phase optical, x-ray, and thermal recording device.
Notes: Contrary to what could be inferred by Tadamasa's initial advertising campaign, Price's bird-like appearance is more an endearing likeness than any sort of an attempt at biomimetic camouflage. He is really not designed to operate in any sort of stealth capacity.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Designation: Sierra - Set  03, "Toby."
Model: AT - 033011
Series: Yoshifusa
Type: Autonomous Domestic Support
Description: Bipedal servant type.
Notes: Toby washes dishes.

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Designation: Romeo - Set  03, "Oswald."
Model: AT - 032911
Series: Tadakiyo
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Mobile electronic isolation and sensory deprivation unit. Direct manual link-up via fluctuating impulse microwave pulse. Lightweight plastic construction. Enclosed tri-shielded hepta-core 1.5 petaflop supercomputer.
Notes: Oswald specializes in accessing hostile electronic brains, commandeering their sensory function, and then hopelessly miring them within complex logic driven altered reality simulations. 

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Monday, March 28, 2011


Designation: Quebec - Set  03, "Clara."
Model: SAT - 032811
Series: Yoshikuni
Type: Special Autonomous Tactical
Description: Special application black-ops weapons platform. Single integrated pulse function neural disruption device. Direct focus aggression actuator.
Notes: It is said that in war the human mind is the greatest weapon. This is of course utter nonsense. Especially considering Clara's primary weapon effectively renders the neurons within a biological brain incapable of transmitting electronic information. In battle this is useful not only to incapacitate enemy combatants, but also to create chaos and distress within their personnel infrastructure.

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Sunday, March 27, 2011


Designation: Papa - Set  03, "Wilhelm."
Model: AS - 032711
Series: Nagayuki
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Hexapod insectile frame. Six externally mounted rectenna panels individually committed to isolated primary and secondary functions. Twin sonic pulse non-invasive diagnostic probes.
Notes: Wilhelm has the ability to use reverberating sound waves to generate three-dimensional models of internal structures without invasive diagnostic probing. While he is able to fabricate imagery of physical details down to near atomic minutia, the residual audio dissonance can be disconcerting to human personal.  

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Saturday, March 26, 2011


Designation: Oscar - Set  03, "Oliver."
Model: AT - 032611
Series: Suyetsugu
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Ultra-light weight assault chassis. Minimal nano-tube armor.  230Hp dual rotor, laser driven, gyroscopic flight pack. Powered by six externally mounted rectenna (rectifying antenna) panels, requiring a C-Brown series phased array microwave transmitter.  Proficient in small arms tactics. External payload maximum capacity of 25kgs.
Notes: Oliver's energy requirements indeed limit his range, but his inexpensive production costs have earned him a place in established urban fields of operation.  

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Friday, March 25, 2011


Designation: November - Set  03, "Clarence."
Model: SH - 032511
Series: Nagakiyo
Type: Symbiotic Hybrid
Description: Weapon slaved combat frame and autonomous entity. Symbiotic target referencing system. Single arm mechanized automated firing direction assistance.
Notes: Without question, the lines between Clarence, the weapon he is slaved to, and the operator utilizing him become virtually indistinguishable during combat operations. He is fully capable of operating the mechanical firing guide without direction, leaving his driver to focus on alternate tasks, or secondary fire with his free hand. 

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Thursday, March 24, 2011


Designation: Mike - Set  03, "Hunter."
Model: SSH - 032411
Series: Norihiro
Type: Special Symbiotic Hybrid
Description: Female specified second-skin thermoelectric generator. Single optical reception module. Dual burst flight vertical thrusters.
Notes: With very little of their own structure to define an individual personality, most second skin symbiotic hybrids are prone to SDDs (structural dysmorphic disorders). Hunter avoids performance affecting bouts of self loathing by catering exclusively to a structurally predetermined female host archetype.  

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011



Designation: Lima - Set  03, "Blake."
Model: AT - 032311
Series: Kuniharu
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Heavy assault bipedal chassis. Synthetic non-Newtonian fluid filled dispersion plate armor. Full range optical array with microwave relay.
Notes: Blake was originally designed to be a giant robot, but due to growing budget concerns, was restructured into a more economically feasible size.   

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Designation: Kilo - Set  03, "Evelyn."
Model: Special Autonomous Support - 032211
Series: Mitsumasa
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Fully articulated qualified autonomous assistant / bipedal mobile energy storage source. Aesthetically pleasing tech-nouveau design style. 32 individual technical functions. Infinite virtual playback.
Notes: As a technical assistant, Evelyn is a favorite among independent designers. She is both an extra set of hands and a walking power outlet, a dual role that has earned her a reputation for cost-effectiveness. She is however limited in her industrial applications, and her critics have suggested that she is little more than the equivalent of an illusionist's assistant.     

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Monday, March 21, 2011


Designation: Juliet - Set  03, "Lon."
Model: ADS - 032111
Series: Kuniyuki
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Bipedal Sprint type chassis. Synthetic nanotube plated encasement. Carbide titanium inner support frame. Carbon fiber stabilizing fin.
Notes: With a stabilizing fin that makes him look somewhat like a giant robotic squirrel, Lon began his existence as a developmental link between Klaus and Tim. Because of a dichotomous protocol anomaly he has unfortunately developed into a rather reclusive malcontent. It is no longer ascertainable as to his exact capacity as an autonomous entity. Currently he is classified under Support, although there are indications his subversive behavior could very well earn him a tag under Rogue.    

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Sunday, March 20, 2011


Designation: India - Set  03, "Theodore."
Model: ADS - 032011
Series: Yoshiyuki
Type: Autonomous Domestic Support
Description: Low impact recycled synthetic fiber construction. Nondescript operating protocol. Specialized household management  programming. Symbiotic integration with intelligent home spaces. 
Notes: Theodore is a high-end butler for fast-paced lifestyles. His greatest attribute seems to be his almost invisible efficiency, as he operates almost exclusively without a governing personality. Most of his patrons are in fact barely aware of his existence.  

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Designation: Hotel - Set  03, "Yuri."
Model: AC - 031911
Series: Shigeyuki
Type: Hybrid Support
Description: Hazardous environment smart armor, with a single capacity hard-shell pressurized, temperature controlled driver encasement. Capable of autonomous or remote controlled function. Augmented torque control for heavy lifting. 
Notes: Yuri has undeniable deep space applications, but has recently shown promise in more caustic work environments.

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Friday, March 18, 2011


Designation: Golf - Set  03, "Perry."
Model: AC - 031811
Series: Masayuki
Type: Autonomous Construction
Description: Ceiling mounted rotational base, with suspended partially humanoid chassis. Titanium carbide construction with a payload capacity of 700 kg and the ability to withstand a static torque of 30,000 newton meters (Nm). Fully articulated biomimetic hands, which can be replaced with end of arm tooling.
Notes: Perry is primary employed in the construction of large scale autonomous tactical units, such as Albert. He has also shown promise in the development and fabrication of integrated heavy weaponry. 

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Thursday, March 17, 2011


Designation: Foxtrot - Set  03, "Victor."
Model: AT - 031711
Series: Kazumichi
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Humanoid biped with liquid activated free flow joint matrix. Energy displacement ballistic plastic armored encasement.  Artificial precognitive targeting brain. Integrated Ashely class "Boomstick" specialized protocol. Williams 1300 rotational armament rod, with 7.62mm assault cannon on one side, and pump-action 12ga. on the other.
Notes: Victor's initial design focused primarily on the utilization of Boomstick weapons, and in the prototype stages did not include audio communication features. It was eventually decided not include them in the finalized project. Thus, Victor remains the strong silent type.             

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Designation: Echo - Set  03, "Hughes."
Model: ACS - 031611
Series: Norifusa
Type: Autonomous Civil Servant
Description: Humanoid biped. Flexible nano-filament tri-weave encasement. Aggressive security protocol qualified. Type 7 internal morality inhibitor. 
Notes: With his featureless faceplate, Huges stands the stoic, yet ever watchful guardian. Though typically unarmed, he is fully capable of monitoring passive security systems, and, if necessary, activating the appropriate aggressive responses.             

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Designation: Delta - Set  03, "Edward."
Model: ADS - 031511
Series: Ujifusa
Type: Autonomous Domestic Support
Description: Full-size collapsible articulated bipedal humanoid. Breaks down to one-fifth of operating size for storage. Composite carbon fiber knit construction for easy carrying without compromising structural durability. 
Notes: Edward is the kind of robot people acquire for specific jobs, like moving furniture, and then store away when the job is done, never to use him again. This is unfortunate, because, despite his relatively inexpensive construction, he is quite capable when it comes to domestic management.            

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Monday, March 14, 2011


Designation: Charlie - Set  03, "Hampton."
Model: ADC - 031411
Series: Masashige
Type: Autonomous Domestic Companion
Description: Bipedal humanoid, with dual mode mobility. Rear calf panels descend as a riding deck for a single passenger, not to exceed 90kgs, with a head mounted stabilizing bar to allow manual control. Au pair qualified. Capable of light domestic duties. Full spectrum sensory live feed with remote access, allowing parental monitoring, or user access to integrated augmented reality entertainment. 
Notes: What modern child does not want a robot for a friend? What modern parent does not want access to uninterrupted observation of their child? On top of both of these fine attributes, Hampton has the additional benefit of adaptable augmented reality. This allows a user with a standard alpha wave projector to experience live action imagination as he alters their sensory perception to integrate with non-reality digital simulations. That, and you can ride him around like a scooter.                 

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Sunday, March 13, 2011


Designation: Bravo - Set  03, "Annabelle."
Model: SAUT - 031311
Series: Yoshimichi
Type: Special Autonomous Urban Tactical
Description: High yield hyper-inductive energy absorption coating. Six external "Seraph" photovoltaic modules. Internal high density power storage matrix. Undercoating ballistic material encasement. Integrated 5mm Gauss pistol.
Notes: In many cases, autonomous design draws from the need for specific platforms capable of utilizing preexisting weapons and technology. In the case of Annabelle, two individual developments evolved mutually inclusive of one another. The first was the miniaturization of the rail-gun into a hand-held weapon, a program beset with power supply limitations. The second was a mass residual energy collection and storage system that could be integrated into an autonomous chassis. Inside a modern urban environment Annabelle can induct enough of a charge to fire her weapon ate rates up to seven rounds a minute.             

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Saturday, March 12, 2011


Designation: Alpha - Set  03, "Murphy."
Model: ACS - 031211
Series: Yoshikane
Type: Autonomous Civil Servant  
Description: Law enforcement model only. Fully articulated humanoid chassis. Electromagnetic forearm smart-sheath. Designated dual wield 9mm Weller service automatics, with selective semi, full, and burst fire modes. Automated ammunition replenishment system utilizing object awareness capable of locating and acquiring magnetically clinging magazines. Integrated thigh mounted armament storage compartments.
Notes: Murphy proudly walks the line between the savage and the civil, effectively placing himself as a barrier between the two. In many sectors, especially the satellitic prefects, he is considered to be the premier robotic law enforcement tool. Even so, his heavy-handed "dual-wield" aggressive responses have earned him a certain amount of criticism among some designers. Still, as far as effective armed response inside urban arenas saturated with civilian populations, his collateral damages are statistically lower than they could be. 

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Friday, March 11, 2011


Designation: Prototype -  01, "Gabriel."
Model: HP - 031111
Series: Kiyomaro
Type: Hybrid Prototype  
Description: Bipedal dual mode mobility, urban wheeled mode and variable terrain sprint mode. Right side, hard point heavy load out appendage. Left side, fully articulated biomimetic hand system. Symbionic alpha wave projection system. Carbide titanium armor plated driver encasement. Limited personality electronic brain matrix. 
Notes: Heavily armed and versatile, Gabriel represents a significant achievement in hybrid tactical technology. Through Symbionic alpha wave projection, he is capable of seamlessly integrating his mechanical operations into the subconscious of his biological driver, effectively creating a symbiotic bond between man and machine. The driver essentially maintains physical control, while Gabriel compensates for inherent human shortcomings with a complex archive of complex targeting and strategy algorithms. Without a driver, Gabriel is limited to predetermined basic behavioral commands.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Designation: Zulu - Set  02, "Harvey."
Model: AS - 031011
Series: Tomoiye
Type: Autonomous Support  
Description: Humanoid bulk force chassis. Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene biomimetic musculature. Internally mounted gravity enhancement generator.
Notes: Harvey leads a happy life as a mobile robotic restraint device. That is to say, he walks around and restrains other robots. Other than that, he barely possesses the logical means to carry on decent conversation.

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Designation: Yankee - Set  02, "Alfred."
Model: AT - 030911
Series: Yoshiyuki
Type: Autonomous Tactical  
Description: Humanoid urban assault special type chassis, capable of sprinting speeds up to 60kph. Composite fluid polymer armor. Dual optimized performance modes. Adaptable structural configuration.
Notes: Due to an initial anomalous behavioral protocol, Alfred tends to stray into less than reputable companies.  

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Designation: Xray - Set  02, "Larry."
Model: AT - 030811
Series: Nagayoshi
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Bipedal humanoid frame. Depleted uranium armor, with reinforced primary articulation. Biorhythmic targeting system.
Notes: Nagayoshi's award winning tactical chassis remains a tad pricey for common grunt-work. Larry seems better suited for high level security details.

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Monday, March 7, 2011


Designation: Whiskey - Set  02, "Herman."
Model: AS - 030711
Series: Norikuni
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Bipedal humanoid frame. Bilobed liquid state cohesive electronic brain. Twin hi-def full spectrum color ocular receptors.
Notes: He's a thinker.

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Sunday, March 6, 2011


Designation: Victor - Set  02, "Herold."
Model: AT - 030611
Series: Yukikage
Type: Autonomous Tactical  
Description: Bipedal, shock-resistant chassis. Medium-density deflection type armor. HALO (High Altitude Low Opening) qualified with up to 120kg full load out. Fully articulated digital manipulators. Indexed catalog of 65k small arms, operation and maintenance.
Notes: Not quite the caliber soldier as Humphrey, Herold still manages to hold his own in a firefight. His inexpensive yet rugged build allows him to be thrown into some of the grimier theaters of operation without greatly sacrificing cost effectiveness.

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Saturday, March 5, 2011


Designation: Prototype -  01, "Jennifer."
Model: SAP - 030511
Series: Myoju
Type: Special Autonomous Prototype  
Description: Bipedal Guttersnipe Seraph type. Prepubescent biomimetic form, complete with "Soft" expression faceplate.  
Notes: The technology for Jennifer's biomimetic childlike chassis predates the AI ghost distortion crisis. The primary goal of the Myoju project was to design an innocent, incorruptible electronic soul, seamlessly integrated into robotic shell. It should be noted that her wings are strictly aesthetic and cannot be recommended for actual flight. They are very sharp though.    

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Friday, March 4, 2011


Designation: Uniform - Set 02, "Dale."
Model: AS - 030411
Series: Hiromasa
Type: Autonomous Support  
Description: Bipedal locomotion system. Composite fiber plating.  Eight spectro-magnetic deflection panels. Fully shielded solid state internal memory.
Notes: Dale is a integral part in the operation and maintenance of any craft employing a second or third generating Alcubierre drive. Fully shielded and capable of deflecting massive amounts of residual energy, he can work uninterrupted during M-jump.   

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Thursday, March 3, 2011


Designation: Sierra: Set 02, "Jeffrey."
Model: AS - 030311
Series: Sukesada
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Quadruped locomotion. Single high pressure fire retardant delivery system.  
Notes: Inexpensive, and purposefully programmed without an awareness his own mortality, Jeffrey is the ideal autonomous firefighter.     

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Designation: Sierra: Set 02, "Milly."
Model: SAT - 030211
Series: Kuniyuki
Type: Special Autonomous Tactical
Description: Full-flex, self-healing polymer plate armor. Paneled residual energy absorption matrix. Single teleforce macroscopic charged particle beam projector integrated into left arm. Two meter direct contact electrostatic repulsion rod.   
Notes: Milly is a sleek, efficient killing machine, capable of causing instant catastrophic internal energy disruption on contact. Her paneled residual energy absorption matrix completely encases her in a skin of active electrostatic energy, which does make audio projection an impossibility. As they say, speak softly and carry two meter direct contact electrostatic repulsion rod.     

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Designation: Romeo: Set 02, "Herbert."
Model: AS - 030111
Series: Kunimasa
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Mounted, full-frame bio-mechanical analyst, specializing in autonomous phrenology. Thirteen individually sentient optical senors. Rheopectic nano-fluid electronic brain. 
Notes: For a robot with absolutely no locomotion, very little gets by Herbert. His ability to instantly identify and interpret infinitesimally minute details in both human and robotic subjects, inferring a seemingly disproportional amount of data, is reported to be virtually infallible. The only real trouble is deciding which eye to look at when speaking with him. 

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