A Simple Design Journal for Autonomous and Hybrid Mechanical Entities.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Designation: Set 07, "Zane."
Model: AS - 073111
Series: Yoshisada
Type: Autonomous Support   
Description: Bipedal humanoid. Extended function autodidactic piloting computer.
Notes: Zane is a autonomous pilot optimized for deep space travel.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Designation: Set 07, "Ezra."
Model: ARG - 072911
Series: Sadakuni
Type: Autonomous Resource Gatherer
Description: Heavy frame bipedal rock softener.
Notes: Ezra can pulp massive amounts of rock in preparation for the extraction of helium 3.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Designation: Set 07, "Mark."
Model: AT - 072911
Series: Naokatsu
Type: Autonomous Tactical    
Description: Small frame bipedal non-humanoid. Minimal strategic design. Three pairs of laterally integrated tropotaxic sensors governing tactical locomotion and weapons targeting. Single integrated Crotalus 9mm caseless small-arm. Forward mounted vertical ultra-dense ceramic deflector plates. Rear mounted 20 round detachable magazine.
Notes: With such a minimal target profile, and the added protection of the deflector plates, Mark is indeed a difficult adversary to take on. Of course his tendency to target primarily the kneecap region of his enemies has earned him employment predominately in the security sectors.   

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Designation: Set 07, "Clay."
Model: ADC - 012711
Series: Kunitsuna
Type: Autonomous Domestic Companion   
Description: Bipedal humanoid encased in composite polymer tri-layered shell constructed of 45% post consumer recycled materials. Ambient energy collection array. Single mid-range optical sensor.
Notes: Clay is in short a low end personal assistant, specializing in schedule management and short distance transportation details. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Designation: Set 07, "Abe"
Model: AC - 072611
Series: Yasunaga
Type: Autonomous Construction
Description: Heavy frame wheeled quadruped. Twin high tensile strength manipulator arms, with integrated plasma welding modules and matter displacement generators. 
Notes: Although not designed for intricate detail work, Abe is widely respected for his ability to produce dramatic results and immediate progress in the early stages of any large scale construction projects. Once the dust settles he may quickly become bogged down with any sort of tedious refinement to the initial framework, but this is generally overlooked due to his ability to preform basic demolition duties.

Monday, July 25, 2011



Designation: Set  07, "Lance"
: AS - 072511
Series: Yoshihiro
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Bipedal, quad-armed phase variable farming unit. Flash trained for optimal botanical development and management.
Notes: It is a common misunderstanding that mass produced mechanical entities -- such as Lance -- are incapable of individuality. While it is true that automatons of similar physical design adhere to uniform behavioral patterns, each is without question a unique manifestation of Source Code. This is comparable to the human phenomenon of identical twins, where two individuals share exactly the same DNA.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Designation: Set  07, "Conrad."
: AT - 072411
Series: Yoshisuke
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Bipedal humanoid, optimized for light combat. Third generation CNT (carbon nano-tube) fiber encasement, with zero-point liquid gel base plate connections. Single full spectrum optical sensor module. Early warning thermal and laser audio detection sensors. Enhanced predictive reflex enhancement. Optimized Yojimbo type strategic processing system, with isolating dual shielded brain casing.   
Notes: Developing an autonomous, sentient being who is willing to engaging in overtly self destructive behavior in order to preserve the well being of another is no simple task. A designer can sacrifice, or deliberately inhibit, the rational stability of the unit's electronic brain, but this often has a negative effect on their overall tactical performance. Once self aware most automatons derive their identity in accordance with principles of production for use. This too makes the fabrication of a robotic body guard difficult. Conrad was built originally to be purely a tactical operations machine, but early in his development he displayed the necessary personality traits to reassign him to close personal security. 

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Designation: Set  07, "Roy."
: AT - 072311
Series: Kaneiye
Type: Autonomous Tactical

Thursday, July 21, 2011



Designation: Set  07, "Rolland."
: AS - 072111
Series: Yasunori
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Bipedal humanoid frame with biomimetic end of arm tooling. Optimized for small frame hardware diagnostics and light maintenance and repair. Magnetized surface coating with
Notes: The delicate balance between physical form and the development of sentient awareness in automatons is generally considered to be common knowledge. Even so, the importance of task specific design cannot be overstated. Unlike the artificially intelligent, autonomous electronic entities are not slaved to a predetermined set of programing. Once the source code is implanted into an electronic brain it will independently evolve into an individual identity. This is in large part influenced by the abilities as well as limitations of their physical form.  

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Designation: Set  07, "Philip."
: GUVF - 072011
Series: Hiroyoshi
Type: General Use Variable Function
Description: Bipedal humanoid frame, optimized for zero to low gravity work environments. Biomimetic end of arm tooling, with full function flanges and ultra-high tensile strength gripping feature. Integrated sealed storage container. Chest mounted optical sensory module with blast shutters.
Notes: After the automaton wars of the previous decade the terraforming industry has suffered serious financial setbacks. The threat of an unprovoked robotic attack remains a very real threat. Maintaining a fully staffed facility, including an operational tactical detail, is simply not a viable option for even the larger design firms. One recourse is to employ General Use Variable Function units who can fulfill both the roles of farmer and fighter. Philip is not only a sturdy machine, capable of fulfilling supportive roles, but he is also a reasonable effective combative unit.  

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Designation: Set  06, "Luke."
: AT - 071911
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Bipedal humanoid type biomimetic chassis, optimized for hyper-melee combat. Single broad spectrum optical unit, with a dedicated spacial logic memory matrix.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Designation: Set  06, "Eric."
: AC - 071811
Type: Autonomous Construction
Description: Bipedal welding unit.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Designation: Set  06, "Zachary."
: AAT - 071611
Series: Shigetsugu
Type: Autonomous Assistant - Tactical
Description: Mobile self-integrating independently intelligent armament. Fully adaptive ambidextrous shoulder connector, with 3 DOF (degrees of freedom), capable of coupling with most large frame humanoid tactical units with detachable manipulator arms. Minimal quadrupedal mobility, with a maximum speed of 60 kilometers an hour, average, over rough terrain. 30mm multi-barrel cannon with 2,000 round storage capacity. Pinel type symbiotic personality, with twin positive alignment cooperative strategy algorithm generators. Single shoulder mounted optical unit.
Notes: Zachary can take the place of a robotic arm, attach himself, and detach himself, even run his own ammunition replenishment details. He can follow a tactical unit into combat and provide armament options in a moment's notice. Not only can he integrate as a piece of controllable physical hardware, he can also decide his own target vectors fire indipendent of the primary unit's strategy processors.

Friday, July 15, 2011



Designation: Set  06, "Nelson."
: ARG - 071511
Series: Yoshiyuki
Type: Autonomous Resource Gatherer
Description: Small frame self-contained terrestrial mining unit. High tensile tri-claw manipulators. Pressurized electronic brain casing, with industrial grade sealed conduits.
Notes: In an effort to reduce cost and impact in mining operations both on and off world designers have resorted to reducing the physical size of their resource gathering units. Nelson in particular stands out as a dynamic example of the concept.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


: Set  06, "Lewis."
: ADS - 071411
Series: Kunimasa
Type: Autonomous Domestic Support
Description: Non-humanoid quadruped.Tri-link biomechanical harmonization aura projection system.
Notes: Lewis grows on you. Slowly at first. But given enough time he will completely integrate himself as a vital household management component. Soon the mere concept of performing even simple tasks, such as appliance preference synchronization seems an unbearably daunting challenge. Simply diabolical...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Designation: Set  06, "Rowan."
: AT - 071211
Series: Masashige
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Surface to orbit, inter-orbit, and dynamic reentry tactical chassis. Specialized external mounting for electrodynamic assistance into deep space. Variable weapons cavity systems located in forward manipulator arms.
Notes: Being shot out of railgun, through an atmosphere, can be rough on any complex mechanical structure. Rowan's sturdy construction and exceptionally reinforced joint matrix is more than adequate for such extreme treatment. While he does suffer a significant loss in dexterity, he makes up for such an inability to dodge bullets with a remarkable talent to absorb them.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Designation: Set  06, "Camille."
: SAT - 071011
Series: Tsunahiro
Type: Special Autonomous Tactical
Description: Bipedal humanoid, female type. Direct contact phase variable hyper-magnetic joint system. Dedicated EMR (electromagnetic radiation) surge weapon capable of delivering heat, mechanical, or electrical energy to ranged targets. Optimized manipulator arm, formatted for specific melee weapons tactics. Outfitted with pole mounted laser Induced plasma Grass-Cutter module. 
Notes: Female aesthetics, or any gender specific characteristics, may seem extraneous in autonomous design. Certain factions within the autonomous community indeed consider any similarity to human anatomy, beyond biomimetic practicality, to be socially unacceptable. Even so, the "Special" designation in tactical units is almost always associated with distinctly feminine humanoid frames. In some aspects this serves a strategic purpose, as certain biological enemies will potentially hesitate during visual contact, allowing the unit a greater chance of striking first. Aside from such pragmatism, there is a tradition among elite design firms, such as Tsunahiro, to model specialized tactical automatons after the legendary assassin Diana, one of the most successful robotic killing machines in recorded history.    

Friday, July 8, 2011


Designation: Set  06, "Cody."
: AS - 070811
Series: Muneyuki
Type: Autonomous Tactical
Description: Bipedal humanoid, heavy class. Knuckle-Duster type kinetic amplifier. Microwave remote power relay.
Notes: Yet another heavily armored automaton that hits things.


Thursday, July 7, 2011


Designation: Set  06, "Les."
: AS - 070711
Series: Mitsuhira
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Non-humanoid small frame flying type. Twin condensed high intensity laser lifts. Non-Newtonian liquid nano-hive brain.
Notes: As mankind becomes increasingly reliant on technology--automatons and otherwise--there is thought that the human ability to rationally assess and react to cause and effect environments will inevitably deteriorate. Les was developed as an attempt to deter this eventuality. He is essentially a floating practical behavior adviser.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Designation: Set  06, "Orville."
Model: ARG - 070611
Series: Okisano
Type: Autonomous Resource Gatherer
Description: Decapodal underwater chassis. Forward mounted twin multi-jointed primary collection tentacles. Mass compressed gas storage.
Notes: Harvesting methane crystal deposits on the ocean floor has done much to relieve the growing energy needs of the most recent robotic revolution. With the majority of terrestrial power stations now fueled by refined methane, any automaton with a battery can rely on Orville to keep them fully charged, if indirectly.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Designation: Set  06, "Lucy."
Model: SAS - 070511
Series: Okisano
Type: Special Autonomous Support
Description: Light-weight, high-mobility Quick-step type chassis. Full spectrum optical scanning modules. Quad phase remote diagnostics sensory array. Dual burst-jack end of arm tooling.
Notes: Light on her feet, Lucy can easily slip in close to a malfunctioning automaton and deactivate it, either remotely, or through direct contact. Her direct contact approach can typically bypass even 3rd generation EMP shielding.

Monday, July 4, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Jethro."
Model: AD - 070411
Series: Kanemichi
Type: Autonomous Demolition
Description: Lightweight non-humanoid Raptor type chassis.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Elmer."
Model: AS - 070311
Series: Tsuguhira
Type: Autonomous Support
Description: Heavy bipedal frame with articulated titanium endoskeletal system.
Notes: Although lumbering and slow, Elmer manages heavy weapons installments with the finesse of a master craftsman.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Designation: Set  05, "Sebastian."
Model: AL - 070211
Series: Yasusada
Type: Autonomous Logistical
Description: Non-humanoid light-weight insectile frame. Hover flight enabled via quad hyper vibrating nano-tube mesh wings. Specialized waste management protocol.
Notes: Needless to say, Bruce and Sebastian do not work well together.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Designation: Set  06, "Bruce."
Model: AL - 070111
Series: Kanemaki
Type: Autonomous Logistical
Description: Non-humanoid lightweight frame, with quick lift auto-legs. Wide angle ultra high definition optical receivers. On-board Degen physical reflex amplifier. Dual mode amphibious operating protocol. Top loading internal plasma combustion incinerator.
Notes: Bruce hunts, kills, and disposes of a wide variety of vermin. There is unlikely a pest alive who can escape his stunning reflexes, or subsequently his plasma combustion incinerator. Incapable of flight, he still manages to ascend to the necessary heights of his profession on a pair of powerful auto-legs. And although he is not above stooping to snatch insectile nuisances, such as ant or cockroaches, his primary function tends to better serve avian intruders, like geese or pigeons from airfields.