A Simple Design Journal for Autonomous and Hybrid Mechanical Entities.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Designation: Oscar - Set 01, "Ronaldo."
Model: AS - 013111
Series: Motohira
Type: Autonomous Security   
Description: Lightweight, low-profile design. Hover-flight generated by fourteen high frequency repulsion generators. Capable of speeds up to forty kilometers per hour. Armed with single 10mm burst fire cannon. Proficient in extreme prejudice security protocols.
Notes: Cheaply manufactured and easy to mass produce, Ronaldo has significant applications in combat roles, beyond patrol and defend. His one difficulty is he thinks he is Paul.   

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Sunday, January 30, 2011


Designation: November - Set 01, "Dewey."
Model: AS - 013011
Series: Kanekuni
Type: Autonomous Security   
Description: Sturdy, "No Yield" build. 80mm reinforced armor plating. Reinforced, high-capacity actuators, capable of generating an excessive application of force. Specialized in crowd control and pacification. Oversized, fully articulated manipulators can restrain, detain, and, if needed, crush potential troublemakers.
Notes:  Clumsy, yet intimidating. Dewey could be more intimidating if his ridiculously large hands would allow him to operate a firearm.

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Saturday, January 29, 2011


Designation: Juliet - Set 01, "Ethel."
Model: SAT - 012911
Series: Toshinaga
Type: Special Autonomous Tactical    
Description: Strategic heavy assault type frame. Dual mode mission parameter stages. Initial stage, HAHV (high altitude high velocity) insertion mode. Unit is dropped, inverted, with titanium carbide transitional shell locked to penetrate hardened targets or targets buried deep underground. After impact, titanium carbide shell diverges, transitioning into primary mode. Primary mode, automated assault directive. Outfitted with a single five point tactile manipulator, allowing limited use of standard small arms. Primary armament consists of matter displacement field generator mounted as right forearm.
Notes: Ethel has been hugely successful in the strategic elimination of targets too difficult to access with standard special autonomous tactical units. Deployment is identical to typical aircraft delivered munition payloads. Once inside a fortified structure she is capable of tracking specific targets and confirming kills, differentiating her from a simple EPW (earth penetrating weapon). 

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Friday, January 28, 2011


Designation: Lima - Set 01, "Paul."
Model: AT - 012811
Series: Teruhiro
Type: Autonomous Tactical    
Description: Four detachable high-yield boosters, located posterior of torso and legs. With controlled bursts, capable of high altitude, extended flight. At full-burst, surface to low orbit. Biomimetic anatomical structure allows unit to access and operate a wide range of vehicles and equipment.
Notes: Paul is designed to attack and commandeer orbiting space stations and craft from the ground, and look good while doing it. His athletic features are intended both to intimidate the enemy and boost moral in allied forces. This is not without a negative side however, as most cockpits and capsules seem designed more for concision than for accommodating a formidably impressive frame. Suggesting Paul should refit into a smaller, ergonomic chassis is ill-advisable though, as his situational performance seems proportionally dependent on the awareness of his superiority in physical appearance.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011


Designation: Kilo - Set 01, "Edwin."
Model: AS - 012711
Series: Sadanori
Type: Autonomous Support    
Description: Specialized in data management, high capacity archival storage and retrieval. Low-profile frame and ultra-quiet "Whisper" mode allows for unobtrusive presence in work environments. 
Notes: With his small stature and quiet nature, Edwin is easy to overlook. Often lost in thought, he has a propensity to wander aimlessly, inevitably becoming lost. It is not uncommon to encounter him, forgotten and alone, in some quiet corner, suffering from neglect. Oddly enough, when he is needed he never seems to be around.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Designation: Juliet - Set 01, "Edgar."
Model: AR - 012611
Series: Shinryo
Type: Autonomous Reconnaissance    
Description: Flight enabled, medium-altitude, long-endurance. Low-profile frame reduces detection and challenges enemy targeting systems. Daylight and infrared cameras integrated into abdominal structure. Additional thermal and spectroscopic sensory equipment mounted in head.
Notes: Edgar's finest features revolve around his reconnaissance abilities. His less than fine features all involve his tendency to gossip.

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Designation: India - Set 01, "Albert."
Model: AT - 012511
Series: Kuniteru
Type: Autonomous Tactical  
Description: Primarily functions as a multi-use heavy weapons platform. Incorporated steel-encased depleted uranium armor, protected against nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) warfare. Two hard-point interchangeable armament systems, capable of a wide range of optional firepower. Currently outfitted with 80mm smooth-bore heavy cannon, and a 20mm Gatling.
Notes: Albert is a formidable destructive presence, despite his lumbering--even awkward--movements, his limited sensory range, and his quiet, intellectual personality.  

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Monday, January 24, 2011


Designation: Hotel - Set 01, "Gretchen."
Model: SAT - 012411
Series: Harukuni
Type: Special Autonomous Tactical   
Description: Ultra-light, multi-flex, high-speed attack frame. Four variably actuated symbiotic nano-colonies, located EOA and EOL, capable of van der Waals interaction sufficient enough for this model to cling to most surfaces. Dual, rear-mounted, rapid-strike, "Angel" talons.
Notes: Sure, she can sprint vertically up almost any wall, confound automated security systems, devastate multiple autonomous tactical units with calculated prejudice, penetrate virtually any defensive matrix and surgically liquidate specific targets, but can she love? It is doubtful anyone will ever get close enough to find out.

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Sunday, January 23, 2011


Designation: Golf - Set 01, "Gus."
Model: AT - 012311
Series: Shigekuni
Type: Autonomous Tactical  
Description: Integrated 7.62mm  assault rifle, with devoted individual AI targeting system. Bladed chain melee device. 20mm heavy cannon, with ten round drum, capable of firing optional explosive, incendiary, or armor piercing rounds. Intimidating full-frame all terrain chassis, encased in multi-layered composite fiber armor. Sleek skull design encourages fear responses within biological opponents.
Notes: Standing just over three meters, Gus's substantial size is intended to shock and awe during combat, security, and defense assignments. This has been moderately successful against human and hybrid adversaries, at least initially. Once the firing starts however, his looming stature tends to serve primarily as a bullet sponge. Fortunately, his devoted individual AI targeting system, his layered armor, and his ample supply of firepower are more often than not quite capable of providing an appropriate response  before total system shut down.

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Saturday, January 22, 2011


Designation: Foxtrot - Set 01, "Tim."
Model: AT - 012211
Series: Masahiro
Type: Autonomous Tactical  
Description: Composite shell type armor. Three point tenti-claw manipulators, with hack and slash melee capability. "Skitter" style low-profile mobility chassis. Full array low light, infrared, thermal, and microwave sensory input.
Notes: Emotionally primitive, Tim functions with a kind of insectile intelligence. This makes him a highly efficient killer, capable of snap rational decisions and a seemingly instinctual aptitude for survival. In the low-light, often wet combat environment he prefers, this is an invaluable evolutionary trait. Given such a highly specialized skill set, his penchant to pursue clerical work is utterly baffling.

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Friday, January 21, 2011


Designation: Echo - Set 01, "Henry."
Model: AC - 012111
Series: Kuniyasu
Type: Autonomous Construction  
Description: Frame is designed primarily for zero gravity construction. Six built in limited range retrograde rockets, located anterior and posterior. Dual manipulators, outfitted with high speed actuators. Three point articulated phalanges, with variable tool options.
Notes: Henry is a typical working class robot. He is generally content with his existence and fairly good-natured. However, extended periods of isolation during deep space construction projects apparently causes a certain degree of psychosis. Hence the term, "Going Henry," when used to described unpredicted violent behavior in a robot.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011


Designation: Delta - Set 01, "Milton."
Model: AS - 012011
Series: Sukenao
Type: Autonomous Support  
Description: High-speed "sprint" type chassis, capable of speeds up to 120 kilometers per hour. Primarily designed for sensitive hard-copy courier running. Brain casing is completely shielded from wireless and microwave transmission, as well as EMP. Model also has a devastating self-destruction option if compromised or captured.   
Notes: Dealing primarily with sensitive intelligence materials, Milton's personality has evolved to be somewhat paranoid. That, along with his unnecessarily high-yield explosive self-destruct feature, makes him rather volatile, even dangerously suicidal. This makes putting information into him much easier than getting it out, even to designated parties.

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Designation: Charlie - Set 01, "Jim."
Model: AS - 011911
Series: Sukehiro
Type: Autonomous Support  
Description: Light frame, with electromagnetic roller-ball mobility. Proficient in robotic behavioral analysis. Limited-use tactile manipulation via twin tripoint phalanges. 
Notes: Jim has virtually no practical application in an exterior environment. Even so, his ability to comprehend and influence biomimetic psychology is a valuable asset to both maintenance and intelligence. And don't touch the tree.

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Designation: Bravo - Set 01, "Oscar."
Model: AS - 011811
Series: Shinkai
Type: Autonomous Support  
Description: Sturdy frame with high tensile actuators. Devoted full range sensor array. Proficient in a vast range of both hard and soft maintenance, fully capable of adaptive diagnosis and autopedagogy. 
Notes: Designed only to be adequately mobile, Oscar tends to plod place to place, his diminutive legs significantly limiting his speed. This seems to adversely affect his personality, creating a kind of dissonance between his ability to efficiently arrive where needed and his essential skill set, biomimetic medical support. "Dammit Jim, I'm an Oscar, not a Gregory..."

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Monday, January 17, 2011


Designation: Alpha - Set 01, "Gregory."
Model: AT - 011711
Series: Tadayoshi
Type: Autonomous Tactical  
Description: Urban assault chassis, capable of short-burst flight and high-speed wheeled locomotion. Outfitted with two five point tactile manipulation phalanges, allowing full adaptive use of a virtually limitless range of small arms. Encased in multi-layered composite fiber armor.
Notes: Balancing the relatively heavy armor with maneuverability and speed consumes a high proportion of the AI's processing capabilities. This becomes aggravated almost exponentially in direct relationship to increasing physical exertion. Therefore, he tends to be smarter standing still.

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